Broken capillaries, also known as telangiectasias, are small, dilated blood vessels that often appear as tiny red or purple lines, particularly around the nose, cheeks, and chin. If you're concerned about broken capillaries, trust your skin to the experts at DERM Lab in North Vancouver.
Broken capillaries, or telangiectasias, are tiny, dilated blood vessels visible near the skin’s surface, appearing as small red or purple lines. These vessels are commonly found around the nose, cheeks, and chin and can result from sun damage, genetics, aging, and certain skin conditions like rosacea. While generally benign, broken capillaries can diminish the skin’s appearance and exacerbate redness or uneven skin tone.
Telangiectasias can be effectively treated with vascular laser treatments, such as the Excel V+ vascular laser and BBL. These advanced technologies target and clear stubborn vessels, restoring a clearer and more uniform complexion. While multiple sessions may be necessary for optimal results, the Excel V+ vascular laser offers an efficient and effective solution to address broken capillaries and enhance skin appearance.
The Excel V+ vascular laser treatment offers a precise and effective solution for individuals troubled by broken capillaries. By precisely targeting these imperfections, the laser stimulates the body’s natural healing processes, leading to a reduction in redness and an improvement in skin tone. Clients undergoing this treatment can expect a clearer complexion and a boost in self-assurance as they regain control over their skin’s appearance. Clients with redness and blood vessels will usually do best with Excel V+ treatments. Learn more.
BroadBand Light treats redness, capillaries and brown sunspots on the skin. It also promotes collagen production to improve skin quality and rejuvenate the skin. As a result, BBL is chosen for patients who have a combination of concerns. Patients may also have a combination of treatments with Excel V+ Vascular Laser and BBL to accomplish their treatment goals.
During your consultation, you can expect tailored recommendations for medical grade skin care to help you achieve and maintain your results. Antioxidant serums and sunscreens are particularly important in the day-to-day maintenance of skin clear from redness and broken capillaries.
Consulting a dermatologist is crucial for accurately diagnosing and addressing broken capillaries. A dermatologist can assess the severity of your condition, identify underlying causes, and recommend appropriate treatment options tailored to your skin type and concerns. Additionally, a dermatologist can provide valuable guidance on skincare practices and preventive measures to maintain skin health and prevent the recurrence of broken capillaries. You can get expert treatment at DERM Lab, North Vancouver’s only cosmetic dermatology clinic.
Schedule a cosmetic consultation today to determine if vascular laser treatment is the right option for addressing your broken capillaries. Our experienced team will assess your skin concerns, discuss your treatment goals, and recommend personalized solutions tailored to your unique needs. Don’t let broken capillaries detract from your skin’s natural beauty – contact us to explore your treatment options and take the first step towards achieving a clear and more radiant complexion.