
Mole Check & Skin Cancer Screening

A mole check and skin cancer screening are vital in catching and preventing skin cancer. If you're concerned about a mole, trust your skin to the experts at DERM Lab in North Vancouver.

What is a Mole Check and Skin Cancer Screening?

You can easily and regularly monitor their moles at home for changes. Look for outliers, or “ugly ducklings”, anything that looks different from your other moles or freckles or has recently appeared, grown, or changed. If any such changes are noticed, consult your family doctor.

If necessary, physicians may refer you for a medical dermatology appointment for a mole check, biopsy, and diagnosis. Dermatologists are expertly trained to assess, diagnose, and treat concerning moles and lesions. They can assist in treating and managing conditions like actinic keratosis and actinic cheilitis (precancerous changes on the skin and lips, respectively), as well as various forms of skin cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), or melanoma. In appropriate cases, dermatologists may recommend that you see a surgeon.


Mole Checks & Skin Cancer Screenings

Following a mole check, if any concerning moles or lesions are identified, your dermatologist may recommend various treatments.

Treatment Options

Biopsy is the surgical removal of most of or a portion of the lesion, then sending it for a pathology evaluation.

Excision is the surgical removal of the entire mole or lesion, then sending it for a pathology evaluation. 

Freezing the lesion with liquid nitrogen to destroy abnormal cells.

Applying creams or ointments to the affected area to target abnormal cells or promote healing.

This treatment destroys certain cancerous or precancerous cells by using a combination of a light-sensitive drug and light therapy. 

The Importance of Working with a Qualified Dermatologist

Consulting a dermatologist is essential for anyone concerned about skin cancer or changes to skin or moles. Dermatologists provide expertise in diagnosing and managing skin conditions, including skin cancer, and offer invaluable guidance and reassurance to patients. By collaborating with a dermatologist, you can access a comprehensive approach to care, incorporating medical evaluations, biopsies, treatments, and referrals for surgical interventions when necessary. 


Request a Referral to DERM Lab, North Vancouver

Take the first step towards managing your moles by requesting a referral to our experienced dermatologists. During your appointment, we will assess your condition, discuss your concerns, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive care and support to help you achieve healthier, clearer skin and regain your confidence.