

Milia are small, firm white bumps that commonly appear on the skin, often around the eyes, cheeks, and nose, resulting from the trapping of oil and dead skin cells within hair follicles or sweat ducts. If you're concerned about milia, trust your skin to the experts at DERM Lab in North Vancouver.

What is Milia?

Milia, known singularly as milium, are small, firm white bumps frequently found on the skin’s surface, notably around sensitive areas such as the eyes, cheeks, and nose, developing when oil and dead skin cells become trapped within hair follicles or sweat ducts, leading to the formation of stubborn tiny cysts. However, typically harmless and painless, milia can present a frustrating aesthetic concern.


Milia Treatments

Dermatologists offer a range of safe and effective treatments for milia, employing tools and techniques designed to minimize trauma to the skin and reduce the risk of scarring or infection.

Treatment Options

Dermatologists can perform gentle extractions to remove milia, using specialized tools to carefully release the trapped cyst without causing damage to the surrounding skin. This procedure is typically quick and well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Electrocautery can assist in extraction and treatment of milia and is also quick and well-tolerated.

In addition to in-clinic treatments, dermatologists can recommend modifications to your skincare routine to help prevent the recurrence of milia. This may involve medical-grade skincare products containing exfoliating ingredients such as retinoids or alpha hydroxy acids, which can help promote cell turnover and prevent the buildup of dead skin cells contributing to milia formation. Selection of appropriate moisturizers, eye creams and sunscreens can assist in their prevention also.

The Importance of Working with a Qualified Dermatologist

Seeking treatment for milia from a qualified dermatologist is crucial as they possess the expertise to accurately diagnose the condition, employ safe and effective extraction techniques to minimize skin trauma, recommend suitable skincare modifications to prevent recurrence, and ensure optimal outcomes while reducing the risks of scarring or infection. You can get expert treatment at DERM Lab, North Vancouver’s only cosmetic dermatology clinic. 


A Clear Future For Your Skin

Get expert treatment at DERM Lab, North Vancouver

To learn more about milia and explore personalized treatment options tailored to your needs, we invite you to schedule a cosmetic consultation with our experienced dermatology team. During your consultation, we will assess your skin condition, discuss your concerns, and develop a customized treatment plan to help you achieve clearer, smoother skin.Â