A dermatologist is a medical specialist, having completed both a medical degree and a further five-year intensive program of advanced medical and surgical training for skin, hair and nails.
All dermatologists in British Columbia are certified as a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCPC) after completing a residency and passing a rigorous examination.
Medical dermatology is the diagnosis and treatment of skin conditions and diseases. Some common medical dermatology concerns include acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, pigmentation disorders such as vitiligo or melasma, mole checks, and skin cancer screening.
MSP covers medical dermatology consultations in most cases. As a result, you’ll need a referral from a physician before you can see a medical dermatologist.
Some medical dermatology concerns can be addressed by your family doctor. It’s important to book an appointment to determine if a referral is required.
Once we receive your referral, our medical team will contact you with an appointment date and time. As we receive many referrals, please allow up to four weeks for processing. If you’d like to check the status of your referral, contact your referring doctor for an update. If you do not receive an appointment time after six weeks, contact our medical team.
The Doctors of BC has recently completed a review and has made changes to the current re-referral process to benefit doctors and patients.
Effective July 1, 2023, all initial referrals will include a potential re-referral for the same problem unless a re-referral is specifically excluded by your dermatologist or your referring doctor. You can book an appointment with your dermatologist again after six months without getting a new referral if you are being followed for the same issue and your dermatologist has recommended another appointment.
If you need to be seen for a new issue, or if your dermatologist has discharged you from care, you will need to obtain a new referral from your family doctor or a walk-in clinic doctor.
You must be seen as a new patient or as a re-referral patient after July 1, 2023, to be included in this new process. If you were seen before July 1, 2023, you will need a new referral.