Cherry Angiomas are tiny, bright cherry-red, dark red or purple spots or protrusions on the skin's surface. If you're concerned about cherry angiomas, trust your skin to the experts at DERM Lab in North Vancouver.
Cherry angiomas, which can vary in shape from round to oval and size from pinpoint dots to a few millimetres in diameter, often drive individuals to pursue cosmetic treatments for smoother, blemish-free skin. Referred to as “senile angiomas” or “Campbell de Morgan spots”, these common skin growths tend to appear as individuals age. Despite their typically benign nature, the appearance of these lesions can be a cosmetic nuisance, leading many to explore various treatment options.
Fortunately, several treatment options exist for those seeking to remove or diminish the appearance of cherry angiomas. Treatment choice depends on the size, number, and location of the cherry angioma and medical considerations.
Combining treatments or repeat sessions may be necessary to achieve the desired results, as cherry angiomas can sometimes recur over time. Consulting with a qualified dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon is essential for individuals considering treatment, as they can assess specific needs and recommend the most appropriate course of action.
This state-of-the-art treatment utilizes advanced technology to target the blood vessels beneath the skin’s surface, eliminating cherry angiomas without scars. Emitting controlled bursts of laser energy ensures the safe removal of these lesions while preserving the integrity of the surrounding skin. Additionally, its non-invasive nature and minimal downtime make it an ideal option for individuals with hectic schedules seeking efficient treatment for cherry angiomas. Learn more.
For larger cherry angiomas that would require multiple treatments with a vascular laser, a small excision may be more effective. Your dermatologist can advise you if this is the best option.
This treatment involves the application of electrical heat to eradicate the affected blood vessels. However, this option carries a greater risk of scarring and is less effective compared to Vascular Laser. Despite these considerations, electrocautery remains an option for individuals seeking treatment for cherry angiomas.
For those troubled by cherry angiomas and contemplating treatment options, scheduling a consultation with a skincare professional is the initial step toward attaining smoother, clearer skin. During the consultation, individuals can address concerns, explore available treatments, and devise a personalized treatment plan tailored to their unique needs and preferences. You can get expert treatment at DERM Lab, North Vancouver’s only cosmetic dermatology clinic.
Schedule a cosmetic consultation with our knowledgeable team to explore the optimal treatments for addressing Cherry Angiomas and achieve your skincare objectives. During your consultation, we will evaluate your skin condition, discuss your desired outcomes, and design a customized treatment plan to suit your needs.